Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Foods that help lower cholesterol and control diabetes?

Dear Monique, I am diabetic and have high cholesterol, I have heard that vegetables are healthy for you but can you tell me if there is any that will help with lowering cholesterol as well as help with my Diabetes? Thanks, James

Answer: Yes, foods like grains and beans. Both oats and soy have been proven to lower cholesterol while at the same time help control diabetes. Also, extra virgin olive oil should be used instead of other oils and fats to help with these conditions.

In general, to lower cholesterol you should increase the soluble fiber in your diet. This can be accomplished by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables (especially leafy vegetables and fresh fruits), peas, dried beans, whole grains and soy foods like tempeh, edamame (young and sweet whole green soybeans) and roasted soynuts. These same foods will also help your diabetic conditions.

The FDA recognized the use of soy for lowering cholesterol and the risk for heart disease in 1999, while the use of soy for the prevention and treatment of diabetes was first suggested in 1917 by Dr. Harvey Kellogg.

For more information read ...
(1) "Diabetes: Can a Vegan Diet Reverse Diabetes?" by Andrew Nicholson, M.D. at

(2) "The Vegan Diet How-To Guide for Diabetes" at

(3) "Cholesterol and Heart Disease" at

(4) My Q&A
"Does soy help reduce cholesterol levels?"

(5) My book Virtues of Soy: A Practical Health Guide and Cookbook

(6) And at Wikipedia:

-Diabetes mellitus at
-Cholesterol at

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Monique N. Gilbert, BSc. has offered guidance in health, nutrition, fitness and stress management since 1989. Through her writings, Monique motivates and teaches how to improve your well-being, vitality and longevity with balanced nutrition, physical activity and healthy stress-free living.


Copyright © 2000-2011 by Monique N. Gilbert.
All Rights Reserved.
Permission must be obtained to use information from this blog.

This blog is only intended to offer health information to help you understand the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. It is not intended to diagnose, dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of diet as a form of treatment for illness without medical approval. In the event you use this information without a health practitioner's approval, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your right. However, the publisher and author assume no responsibility.
